Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Setting and ensuring clarity of the vision, values, and objectives for the Academy within the Trust framework
- Agreeing the Academy improvement strategy in line with the Scheme of Delegation
- Meeting statutory duties
Holding the Principal to account for the educational performance of the Academy and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- Appointing Senior Leaders in consultation with the CEO and Trust Board
- Monitoring the educational performance of the schools and progress towards agreed targets
- Performance managing Senior Leaders in consultation with the CEO and Trust Board
- Engaging with stakeholders
- Contributing to Academy self-evaluation
Overseeing the financial performance of the Academy and making sure it's money is well spent
- Monitoring spending against the budget
- Ensuring money is well spent and value for money is obtained
- Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed
Chair of Governors: Andrew Battle (MLT appointment for 12 months from 7 October 2024)
Vice Chair of Governors: Jayne Chetwynd (MLT appointment for 12 months from 7 October 2024)
Principal: Matt McDonald
Governance Professional: Sadie Griffin
If you wish to contact the Governance Committee, please contact Sadie Griffin, Governance Professional by email at: SGriffin@maltbylearningtrust.com or by telephoning the Academy on 01709 864100.
Name | Category | Appointed | Term of Office | Appointed by |
Andrew Battle | Community | 07.05.19 | 06.05.27 | Governors |
Jayne Chetwynd | Community | 25.05.17 | 24.05.25 | Governors |
Vacancy | Community | Governors | ||
Jessica Leech | Business/Education | 19.06.22 | 18.06.26 | Governors |
Gail Stonier | Business/Education | 02.10.23 | 01.10.27 | Governors |
Michael Swann | Business/Education | 08.12.24 | 07.12.28 | Governors |
Lisa Coe | Parent | 11.02.22 | 10.02.26 | Parent Election |
Ryan Kidd | Parent | 03.09.24 | 02.09.28 | Parent Election |
Sian Guttridge | Staff (Associate Professional) | 15.11.21 | 14.11.25 | Staff Election |
Craig Taylor | Staff (Teacher) | 17.10.24 | 16.10.28 | Staff Election |
Lee Wild | Community | 06.12.23 | 05.12.27 | Governors |
Vacancy | Business/Education | Governors | ||
Matt McDonald | Principal | N/a |
Name | Category | Appointed | Stepped Down | Appointed by |
Lynne O'Brien | Parent | 10.02.22 | 30.11.23 | Election |
Sharon Greensill | Community | 29.09.20 | 23.05.24 | Governors |
Gurtekh Singh | Staff | 14.03.22 | 06.06.24 | Governors |
Rebecca Barber | Business/Education | 13.11.23 | 02.10.24 | Governors |
The Trust Board provides:
Strategic Leadership of the Trust: the Board defines the Trust's vision for high-quality and inclusive education in line with its charitable objects.
Accountability and assurance: the Board has robust effective oversight of the operations and performance of the Academy Trust.
Engagement: the board has strategic oversight of relationships with stakeholders.
For more information regarding Trust Governance and statutory documents please click here, Maltby Learning Trust - Governance