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Social mobility matters both in terms of people and in delivering economic growth. The world economy is changing and it is through education, skills and training from the early years into adulthood that we will make sure no one is left behind – delivering a modern country that is globally competitive and fit for the future. We at Sir Thomas Wharton Academy want to ensure that our young people will also be given the opportunity to enhance their life skills which will not only increase educational success but will support them to go as far as their talents and aspirations will take them.

Sir Thomas Wharton Academy is committed to providing our students with a programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all students in Years 7-13 that will inspire and motivate them from an early age. We will support our students in making well informed choices about subjects and careers for their future. 

Sir Thomas Wharton Academy’s Careers Education and Guidance policy is delivered with the following intent:

  • To ensure that all students experience at least four high quality careers interactions during their career at Sir Thomas Wharton Academy
  • To contribute to strategies for raising achievement, especially by increasing motivation and aspiration from an early age
  • To ensure that 100% of students identify progression routes and next steps in their education and/or training
  • To give students opportunities to experience Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths input from professionals in their field in order to inform long-term career decisions
  • To prepare all students (including SEND) for independence, or supported independence, to equip these young people for further study
  • To support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity
  • To encourage participation in continued learning including higher education and further education.
  • To develop enterprise and employment skills in order to prepare students for life- long learning
  • To reduce drop out from and course switching in education and training
  • To contribute to the economic prosperity of individuals and communities
  • To meet the needs of all our students through appropriate differentiation
  • To focus students on their future aspirations
  • To involve parents and carers as much as possible.


As a student at Sir Thomas Wharton Academy you are entitled to receive a programme of careers education, advice, information and guidance.

The information on the careers section of the website will be reviewed each term. The date of the next review is July 2025.


  • Understand yourself, your interest, likes and dislikes, what you are good at and how this affects the choices you make.
  • Find out about different courses, what qualifications you might need and what opportunities there might be.
  • Develop the skills you may need for working life.
  • Make realistic, but ambitious choices about courses and jobs.
  • Develop a plan for the future.
  • Understand the different routes after Y11 including academic routes, vocational training, apprenticeships, further and higher education and jobs.
  • Provide high quality CVs for job application.
  • Be able to make effective applications for jobs, training and further and higher education.
  • Develop your interview skills.
  • Improve your confidence.


  • Careers lessons.
  • Drop down day activities linked to employers and providers often with a focus on STEM industries.
  • Guided tutor time.
  • Help with CVs and interview skills to prepare you for the world of work.
  • Access to the careers section in the academy library – information is available in books, leaflets and on a computer – ask for help.
  • Interviews with the Careers Personal Advisor.
  • Other subject lessons linked to careers.


  • Treated equally with others.
  • Given careers information and advice that is up to date and impartial.
  • Treated with respect by visitors to the academy who are part of the careers programme.
  • Given extra help if you have special needs.
  • Given mentoring and support for those who need it most and at risk of becoming NEET to help build the confidence and character needed to ensure a successful career.


  • Careers Education is delivered during set lessons by a team of specialist teachers in Years 7 -13, this is supported by collapsed timetable days to all Year groups which is delivered by external organisations and the schools Careers Lead.
  • In addition to this both Year 11 and 13 students have one to one interviews to give impartial careers advice and Year 11 also have an additional meeting to discuss pathways into Post 16 provision.  Equality and Diversity
  • Students can request a Careers appointment through their specialist Form Tutor or Student Achievement Leader

Careers education is provided to all students and provision is made to allow all students to access the curriculum. Students are encouraged to follow career paths that suit their interests, skills and strengths with the absence of stereotypes. All students are provided with the same opportunities and diversity is celebrated.


The focus is about introducing careers and thinking about the vast number of careers/jobs available including an introduction to STEM career paths.


The focus is linking our plans and dreams to reality. Students use an online programme to research a variety of careers to enable them to make informed choices during the options process and beyond in to Post 16. There is another opportunity to experience an input from a STEM ambassador. 


The focus is self-assessment, career paths and producing a Career Action Plan while being given the opportunity to access discussion with a variety of employers.


The focus is local labour market information, employer visits and job choices.


The focus is Post 16 options and the application process, one to one careers advice and guidance and mock employer interviews to develop student skills so they can apply for further education and careers successfully.


The focus is developing skills through structured work placement and a work related learning programme as well as understanding Post 18 options. Further details can be found here CEIAG Post 16


The focus is Post 18 application processes and preparation for transition to HE and work based learning. CEIAG Post 16

The Careers Programme includes careers education sessions, careers guidance activities (group work and individual interviews), information and research activities, work related learning and individual learning activities as well as organised drop down days with external providers and visits to local industries and businesses.

We have direct links with Doncaster Careers Consultants  (Miss Soni Hardwick and Mrs Danielle Timms), Polypipe the Academies Business Enterprise Adviser ( Ms Layla Young and Jazz Jones) and are supported by a wide range of other local employers.

The Academy achieved The Quality in Careers Standard in 2023 demonstrating the success and quality of provision available.

Careers lessons are part of the schools Lifeskills and Character Education Programme. Other events and activities are planned and organised separately throughout the year. In addition to this, subject specific examples are often discussed through subject areas across the Academy. 

Further Careers Access

1) Careers interview room.

2) Careers Advisor – Vanessa Hailes Independant Careers Advisor who can be contacted through

3) Extra support where appropriate – Students in Year 9, 10,11, 12/13 are targeted for extra help by SENDCo, Senior Pastoral Leaders, Head of Sixth Form, the Careers lead and Careers advisor.

 4) Careers Evenings – A Sixth Form Open Evening is arranged in the Academy to compliment other Open Events run by local colleges, a HE Evening is also held for students and parents.  A Parent Voice evening is held to introduce parents to the online tool about researching careers prior to the Year 9 options evening. 

5) ICT – A range of software products are available for students to use, our main product is Unifrog which students are introduced to in Year 7 and Parents have a unique log in to this to help students at home along with developing parental awareness

 Others include:

Parents and Carers

Parental involvement is encouraged at all stages. Online resources have been specifically chosen to help parents become more involved. All online resources are easily accessed through the links on the Academy website. Parents are kept up to date with careers related information through letters, newsletters, social media and at open evenings. Parents are welcome at careers interviews and where necessary are invited.

Resources to support Provision

We have a wide range of provision and funding directly allocated to Careers

Our range of activities include: 

  • Access to a range of careers providers to deliver specific sessions and assemblies to the students.
  • Access to a Careers Hub to share good practice allows easy contact with local businesses in order to build relationships and support local growth. 
  • Opportunity for students to visit local businesses. 
  • Careers provision tracker so that the Academy can ensure all students are given equal opportunity to access careers provision. 
  • The compass tool enables the Academy can track against the Gatsby Benchmarks ensuring a high quality provision is available across all year groups that is fit for purpose.
  • Regular contact with a Local Authority Careers Consultants.

  • Access to the most up to date Careers Lead training and accreditation.
  • A wide range of student events.

The Careers Lead alongside the Associate Principal, are responsible for the effective deployment of those resources.  

Staff Development

Careers Lead training is available and accessed through the Doncaster Opportunity funding. Staff are trained and resources are provided for staff through our Lifeskills programme. Staff training needs are identified as part of the review process and during regular management meetings between the Careers Lead and the Associate Principal.

Monitoring Review and Evaluation Meeting the Gatsby Benchmark criteria

Careers Education is monitored and evaluated termly and then annually via the department. Careers Guidance is monitored and evaluated constantly through discussion with key staff and students and appropriate observation of activities by the Careers Leader and Line Manager. Student evaluation forms are completed after events and parental feedback is collected through Parent Voice meetings. 

 The Careers Lead completes  Gatsby Benchmark termly reviews using the compass tool, careers tracker to ensure the Academy is meeting the Gatsby Benchmark criteria, the business and Enterprise Coordinator and careers Consultant supports this and completes their own annual review.

 The importance of careers education is reflected in the Academy Development Plan (ADP) and is used to ensure that the Careers department is fully supporting whole academy aims. Regular feedback to SLT and governors takes place.  

  • Careers Lead: Mrs J Brooke 
  • Line Manager: Associate principals Lucy Stuart and Callum Martin

  • Careers Advisor: Vanessa Hailes

  • Careers Link Governor:  Jessica Leech

Review and Measurement of Impact

We review the success of our careers programme by looking at the destinations of our exiting Year 11 students with a target of 0% NEET (students not in education, employment or training).

The policy is developed and reviewed annually by the Curriculum Leader Careers and her line manager (Associate Principal) based on current good practice guidelines by DfES/Ofsted, CEIAG framework and Gatsby Benchmarks.

Sir Thomas Wharton will review Careers annually.

Links with other policies

Our Careers policy supports and is underpinned by key academy policies including those for Teaching and Learning, Assessment, Recording and Reporting Achievement, Life-skills, Equal Opportunities and Diversity as well as the SEND and Pupil Premium action plans.

Please follow this link to PROVIDER ACCESS POLICY

Other Post 16 Providers




If you would like to speak to a member of the Careers team please call (01709) 864100 or alteratively email