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House Identity

The House System  

A four-house system exists at STWA in order promote the values strongly associated with character education and instil in students the importance of team-work, collective responsibility and belonging. Recently rebranded, the four houses are linked to the local prominent stately homes; Cusworth, Brodsworth, Chatsworth, and Wentworth with each house identified by three bespoke words that epitomise the values of each house. Each house is overseen by two staff who act as house leaders and facilitate the involvement of students in house activities and competitions whilst celebrating their successes through half-termly house assemblies. Students are also able to pitch to become house captains via campaign speeches in house assemblies and subsequently assume leadership roles within their house for the academic year.  

House activities are closely aligned to each subject’s curriculum map with two subject areas each half term charged with providing a lesson based competition through which students compete for house points. In addition to this staff across the academy provide extra-curricular activities every half term as part the school PLD offer which are closely aligned to the house system. Students are actively encouraged to attend range of these activities in order to develop their cultural capital, wider their interests and earn points for their respective houses in the process. Finally, Academy wide activities also run throughout the year that range from Christmas hamper competitions, Academy sports days, and Easter Egg hunts to smaller weekly activities such as poetry competitions and research tasks.  


Students are aligned to one of our four Houses when they arrive at Sir Thomas Wharton. The overall aim of the House system is to provide students with the opportunity to develop a sense of pride and cohesion with all other team members. As students and staff are split evenly between the four houses there are opportunities for students to work closely with students from other years and a range of staff in order to gain House Points that will not only benefit them as individuals, but also the House they represent. House Points will be available through House activities and competitions well as in all lessons taught and around school generally.   

Linked closely with Character Education, the House system is designed to help students to develop aspects of their character that will help them improve learning habits and personal development as well as all other parts of your daily life, both now and well into the future. These include teamwork, determination, working together, resilience, pride, creativity, and leadership.  


Using the Academy PRIDE agenda, students are able to earn House Points on a weekly basis for demonstrating that they are prepared. By arriving to school all week, on time, and fully equipped students will be allocated 10 House Points. In addition to this, students are also able to earn House Points in every lesson by demonstrating the types of behaviours and actions that we aim to promote across the Academy. Resilience, Investment, Determination and Empathy are all areas through which students can achieve House Points in lessons. The Pastoral Team are also able to award points for positive acts across the Academy.  

 Our students may take part in a range of House activities on offer. These will take place at lunchtimes and after school and involve a wide range of subjects and skills. Just participating will allow you to gain House Points but competing and winning will bring even more. 

View  our House brochure here.