Tutor Provision
Tutor time structure and content
The academy has a clear structure in place for the focus and aims of all tutor period sessions for the full academic year which is based on the Academy’s PRIDE agenda and key drivers. For each half term students will work on a topic focus that is directly linked to an over-arching theme such as the developing of resilience under the key driver of ‘Never Give Up’. These themes are initially introduced via academy drop down days during which guest speakers deliver bespoke sessions to individual years groups through which key messages and information is communicated to students for use throughout the remainder of the half term. Resources are then created and distributed to all form tutors for delivery of sessions that build on the content of lead sessions and provide the opportunity for students assess their own traits and develop new skills and values. All sessions are quality assured on a daily basis by members of the senior leadership team as well as pastoral staff specific to each year group.
The weekly Tutor Programme for each year will be as delivered according to the following schedule:
Year 11
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Assembly | Achieve | Achieve | Achieve | Careers |
Year 10
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Attendance, Standards and Expectations, House Points Review, Gratitude Journal | Assembly | Votes for Schools | Votes for Schools | Character Education |
Year 9
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Attendance, Standards and Expectations, House Points Review AoG | Votes for Schools | Assembly | Votes for Schools | Character Education |
Year 8
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Attendance, Standards and Expectations, House Points Review AoG | Votes for Schools | Votes for Schools | Assembly | Character Education |
Year 7
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Attendance, Standards and Expectations, House Points Review AoG | Votes for schools | Votes for schools | Character Education | Assembly |
Alongside the curriculum map for character education, the content and delivery of year group assemblies are planned in advance with the specific aim being to enhance the students’ knowledge and understanding of a particular topic in character education. In many cases during any one half term, this consists of a combination of academy staff and external speakers who use examples, guidance and their own experience to help prepare learners for life in modern Britain, As an extension to this, the focus and delivery of assemblies are closely linked to the calendar so that students are able to generate a wider awareness of key features of the culture and history of British life.
Reflection and critical thinking
Running alongside the character education sessions during tutor time, all students are provided with the time, support, and resources to enable them to set goals and reflect on the progress and outcomes of their actions. All students will consider and set an ultimate goal on their entry to the Academy and set four additional short-term goals that enable the student to work towards this. Not only is the ultimate goal revisited and revised on an annual basis, but students are actively encourage to re-asses the personal and academic goals three times a year with help and guidance from their peers and form tutor. The specific aim of this is to allow all students to work towards an aspiration long term target linked to either a specific occupation or lifestyle and set and review goals regularly to ensure that they are maximising every opportunity (both in and outside of school) to achieve it.
Linked to this, every student will complete a brief ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ file on a weekly basis that enables them to reflect on positive aspects of their lives and subsequently develop a positive mind set linked to their school and personal lives. Following initial guidance on how to complete the document and on-going support from their form tutor students are prompted every Monday to reflect on what they are grateful for, what they are looking forward to, and what they aim to achieve for the coming week.